Alison Holloran is thankful for what she didn’t know in the moments surrounding her diagnosis with Stage 2 breast cancer. She understood that treatment would be difficult. She knew her life would be forever changed. What she didn’t know—and couldn’t have...
Carie Sherman
Selected works by the author:
9 Things Healthy Hikers Do • Tips for staying safe on your hike
Hippocrates is credited with saying “walking is the best medicine.” It’s ancient advice that holds true today. And as Juan B. Rodriguez, DO, will tell you, there’s no better path to good health than hitting the trails of Colorado.
Real Talk About Good Nutrition
Forget drastic changes and restrictive diet plans. Better health can be easy when you find what works best for you, says Kaiser Permanente physician L. Marie Walsh, MD. As a family physician, she sees firsthand how nutrition affects our health at every age. Here she...