Couples find love through home-cooked meals
Emily Kemme
Emily Kemme writes about human nature, illuminating the everyday in a way that highlights its brilliance in her novels, Drinking the Knock Water: A New Age Pilgrimage and In Search of Sushi Tora, and her new anthology, It Starts With a Fish, based on her blog, Feeding the Famished. She is also a recipe creator but doesn’t like to be labeled a foodie (the proof is that she knows where every KFC is on I-80 between Greeley and Iowa). Throughout her writing is a skein of humor that leaves a lasting impression. She is a regular contributor of food and feature stories for NOCO Style Magazine, the Greeley Tribune and MyWindsor Magazine.
Selected works by the author:
Learning Outside the Box
Abundant schooling options give families the ability to choose
Fall Flavors on Tap
These fall beers are begging you to put on a sweater
Losing a Parent
The grief and endless task list that come with a parent’s passing is overwhelming, but there are resources available to help.
Fall Fun in Colorful Colorado
Five ways to welcome fall in Northern Colorado.
Moving In
Tips for settling into your new college space
Fermenting at Home
Ancient Civilization’s Answer to Health Food
Patio Dining Delights
Who doesn’t love soaking up the sun or sitting on a shaded deck or patio while watching the world go by? An Insta-worthy dish and chilled beverage complete the picture, so sip, savor and appreciate that life doesn’t get much better during our glorious Colorado summers.
Eating Like a King (or Queen) While Camping
Mountain or beach camping lets you breathe fresh air, sparking a hefty appetite.