Excitement runs high as we close in on ski season in Colorado.
Dan England
Dan England has worked for Colorado media for nearly 25 years, including 20 at the Greeley Tribune. During his time at the Tribune he won more than 100 state and national awards, including Best of Show from the Colorado Press Association in 2015. Dan loves to write about the outdoors, as they are not just a job but an adventure: He has completed more than 20 marathons and 15 ultramarathons in addition to climbing more than 200 peaks, including all the 14ers in Colorado and Mount Rainier in Washington. Dan also plays trombone, but his wife, Valerie Vampola, deserves the spotlight more, as she sings for living, doing gigs as a solo artist and with Katie Quick in addition to guest appearances with bands across Colorado and teaching with the Loveland Academy of Music. Dan has three children, Jayden and his twin girls, Andie and Allie, and a heeler, Pepper, who in addition to training with him ran her first trail marathon last year in western Kansas.
Selected works by the author:
Good to the last drop
To NOCO brewers, sustainability isn’t just good for the environment, it’s also good business.
This land is their land
When humans and wild predators interact, it’s usually the animals that pay the price.
Calls Of The Wild
Bird-watchers are more numerous than ever. But the birds themselves? Not so much.
A New Leash on Life
Stray animals from all over the country find safe havens in NOCO foster homes
The Extra Miles
Jeanne Wolfendale was not well, not at all, but she wanted to see this strange new life her son was nurturing within himself. So she accompanied Jeffrey Albert out to the Blue Sky Marathon, where he would run 26 miles over dirt, up hills and through bony rocks.