Actress Helena Cosentino created, directed and is starring in a heartwarming one-woman show that will be part of the Fort Collins Fringe Festival. The tribute will pay homage to comedienne Gilda Radner, with Cosentino performing as Radner’s infamous characters and quirky musical numbers. “Gilda used humor and laughter to get through the struggles and cruelty of a life cut short, from being the fat kid to a young woman on top of her game struck with terminal cancer,” says Cosentino. “Her comedy truly made fun of the very things she battled!”
Cosentino, who has performed her act at Fringe Festivals throughout North America, says the show is for all of those who loved watching Radner on “Saturday Night Live” as well as for the younger generations who are discovering vintage SNL and find themselves transported to a time when humor was innocent, yet edgy and poignant. “Gilda is a classic and timeless force that will live with us for generations to come,” she says.
Cosentino donates part of the proceeds from her show to local nonprofits supporting those with ovarian cancer. The Fort Collins show will benefit Nicki’s Circle Ovarian Cancer Support Group, which is a member of the Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance.
For a chance to win tickets to the event, visit NOCO Style’s Facebook page between July 8-15 and tell us your favorite Gilda Radner character or quote.