New Year’s resolutions—love them or hate them, they are a part of our culture and likely someone has asked you about yours. Many people avoid them because they expect to fail in achieving their goal—and with some justification, since statistics show that less than 10 percent of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions.
If you have one or more goals on your list for the New Year, we have some suggestions about how to help you succeed in “You 2.0”. It may just take adopting a different mindset in approaching changes in your life and working toward your goals— focusing on the journey rather than the destination, breaking down challenges into smaller chunks, being willing to change tactics if the ones you’re using aren’t working, and ditching the deadline in favor of recognizing progress toward your goal as a measurement of success.
Speaking of New Year’s resolutions, one of the most common is getting fit. The spring and summer months in NOCO offer a plethora of options for hiking, biking and other outdoor activities, many of them right outside your door. But when the weather turns cold, we have to be more creative. While skiing, skating and snowshoeing are fun physical activities, most of us need to turn to the gym to meet our fitness goals. And that can be an intimidating experience. We’ve made it easier to find the right choice for you in NOCO with “Fitness That Fits”. No matter what your workout style is, our local community has a fitness center that’s bound to fit your personality.
As we kick off 2019, I’m pleased to say that we’re celebrating meeting our 2018 NOCO Style resolutions to improve your reader experience. With an increased reach throughout Northern Colorado, we’ve been able to bring you more stories and coverage of the wider NoCo region. I’m amazed at the number of events we were able to enjoy with you too in 2018—I can’t wait to see you all at even more in 2019!
I hope one New Year’s resolution you will make this year is to join us for every issue celebrating our great community. Cheers to a prosperous 2019!