Staying Happy & Healthy

October has long held a special meaning with the staff of NOCO Style. The magazine’s founder, Lydia Dody, is herself a breast cancer survivor and founded the nonprofit Hope Lives!, which provides integrative support to breast cancer survivors.

Over the years, the magazine has had entire issues dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, and while we have now broadened our focus for all issues of the magazine, we still pay special attention to those women fighting this terrible disease. In this issue, you will meet three beautiful, young, vivacious women and read their personal stories. Our hearts go out to them and their families—indeed, all women and men battling any cancer—as we focus on moving ourselves forward in this bittersweet season of challenge.

Stay happy and healthy. That seems to be the greatest struggle we face every day, against forces that would harm our health and our positivity. If these women, inthe prime of their lives, can nd
the silver lining to their health struggles, then we should even more so look for our own ray of positivity during hard times.

This might mean we take a little more time every day to search
for the means of making our lives healthier and happier—after all, much of it is within our control. The term self-care has become such a catch phrase today, but there is truth to the need to slow down and listen to our bodies when they tell us we need quality sleep, to eat better, exercise more, worry less, laugh more. Be it ten minutes of stretching each morning to loosen up a tight back or a ritual cup of hot tea and a good book every evening before bed, give yourself the gift of healthy indulgence.

And to that end, one of our greatest tools we have is choosing how to use and fuel our bodies.
As we head into colder weather, that doesn’t need to mean we slow down. Dan England, a regular contributor and frequent long- distance runner, has some great advice to keep us running despite the elements.

We also had several of NOCO’s staff share a soup recipe from their own repertoire. Soup, it seems (much like a family cookie recipe), is a food with deep meaning. Always comforting and usually passed down within families, these soup recipes are special, and we are happy to share them from our kitchens to yours. We welcome your recipes, as well. If you have one you would like to offer up, email the recipe and we will share it with our online community. Maybe one will inspire your new family tradition.

Until next month,

Angie Grenz