1.Why beauty and wellness?
There are so many facets associated with caring for our face, body, and teeth, as well as our health and confidence in general. Beauty and wellness have lived together for a long time and combining their unique qualities is really the direction the industry is headed. Coupling this trend and knowing the limited amount of time each of us have in our lives is how Facette was born. Amanda shares “We wanted to introduce that next generation of medical spa to Colorado, with innovative anti-aging skin treatments, dental hygiene, wellness and recovery procedures in a luxury spa environment. Our mission at Facette is to care for the whole gem (you)!”
2. What should someone look for in a good injector?
Our philosophy at Facetté is always to help someone look better, not different. Better can mean softer, fresher, more rested or a bit younger. Mina and Carri are both considered master injectors, with 13 and 9 years of experience respectively. “We are known for our aesthetic eye,” says Mina. “Symmetry, balance and enhancing someone’s natural beauty are what we do best.” Mina is also well known for her corrective work. “I have referrals from all over the state asking me to correct filler that is uneven or overfilled. It’s all about the details. What filler does at its best is enhance a person’s natural beauty. That’s what I love about it!”
3. How does dental hygiene impact our overall wellness?
We now know that 80 percent of adults are affected with gum disease. The bacteria we have in our mouths is linked to all kinds of health issues. Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s and oral cancer are on the rise, killing one person every hour. It is very important to address the overall health of your mouth, not just the teeth. Here at Facetté we take overall health very seriously. We now have new technologies such as dental lasers that significantly reduce the bacteria levels. Along with the Velscope, an oral cancer device that helps see tissue changes and assists in a thorough oral cancer exam. “No one is ever just a ‘routine’ cleaning at Facetté,” states Erin. We take one-on-one time to educate our clients in a beautiful luxury environment making your time here relaxing and comfortable.
4. Tell us about the LED LightStim therapy bed.
We are so excited about our bed! It’s NASA technology, FDA-approved and the only one in Colorado. This patented technology simultaneously emits multiple wavelengths of healing light. These wavelengths of light work together to increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation and increase ATP production, which is your body’s energy source. Your body then can naturally relieve pain and speed healing. We’ve already seen it be extremely helpful for clients with arthritic and joint pain.
5. What is the new technology in skin treatments?
Clients want less downtime with even better results. Now it’s happening! Our newest technology is Vivace, microneedling with radio-frequency energy. This device will help tighten, build collagen and improve acne scars. You will only have a few hours of erythema (pinkness) followed by a bit of dryness. Our Fractionated CO2 is for all-over skin rejuvenation, with only two to three days of social downtime, compared to other technologies with seven to ten days. At Facetté, we also have Syneron elos IPL, sometimes called fotofacial, to drastically improve sun damage as well as laser hair removal and a laser to diminish spider veins on the legs or face.
For a complete list of the services and treatments that are offered at Facetté, please visit Facettémedicalspa.com.