Exploring the continent’s unique wildlife, spectacular landscapes and fascinating history, “Antarctica: Magical Ice and Majestic Beauty” will be presented from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, at the Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures in Fort Collins.
Laura Gerwin, who worked for the U.S. Antarctic Program and lived on the continent for more than two years, will detail the extraordinary land of ice as well as the groundbreaking scientific research conducted there. Gerwin is the market manager for Antarctica21, a carbon-neutral company that offers life-changing expeditions to the polar region.
Antarctica21 was founded in Punta Arenas, Chile, and employs a seasoned local team for their small expedition vessels. The company is the world’s leading provider of air cruises to Antarctica.
The presentation is offered by the museum’s Global Adventures Club, an interesting and interactive forum to learn and share information about the world and the many opportunities to discover, explore and protect it. Hosted by Daniel and Alice Owen, the program has been coordinated by the museum’s travel partner, Sari Gartner of Outdoor Travel Adventures.
Tickets to the presentation are $10 per person, and reservations are requested at globalvillagemuseum.org. Antarctica travel experts will be available for questions and discussion beginning at 5 p.m. and also after the program. Refreshments, including wine, will be served.
The Global Village Museum is located at 200 W. Mountain Ave., and museum hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Regular admission is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors, $3 for veterans, $5 for ages 4-17 and free for museum members as well as for children 3 and under. Adult tours receive discounted admission of $3 per person, with two aides or chaperones admitted free. For more information and closure dates during the change of exhibits, visit globalvillagemuseum.org or call 970.221.4600.