Local Service Organization Pivots to an On-Location but Virtual COVID-19 Event to Keep Alive Programs and Community Spirit
The Loveland Rotary Club has announced it is moving forward with its popular Rubber Duck Race amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the cancellation of so many other beloved community events, in an effort to keep serving the Loveland community at a time when its programs are even more critically needed. The actual race of the iconic small ducks—absent their traditional live audience of cheering local residents will take place on a picturesque segment of the Big Thompson River inside the Sylvan Dale Ranch, on Saturday, August 22, at 4 p.m. The larger and decorated ducks will not race but will be judged for their visual impact (on the basis of their photographs sent in by their creators), the winners, sponsors, and prizes being announced in a full-page ad in the Loveland Reporter Herald, on August 24.
This community organization is elated to have found a way to perpetuate this Loveland tradition in a coronavirus-safe manner that minimizes physical contact and adheres to social distancing guidelines. It’s a real team-effort fundraiser that features, on the one hand, scores of bright yellow rubber duckies sponsored by enthusiastic ticket buyers of all ages racing through the rapids of Big Thompson River, and on the other hand, larger-sized ducks sponsored by local businesses and individuals and decorated in charming though often bizarre costumes. Although the public is not invited this year (but news organizations are welcome), the event will be video-taped and featured soon after on Loveland Rotary’s websites. “Our club is totally psyched that we will still be able to hold the Rubber Duck Race, which so many people in our community look forward to, each and every year,” said club spokesperson John Stewart. Loveland’s Rubber Duck Race, now in its 25th year, currently funds a local literacy project, high school scholarships, and (more recently) COVID-19 relief for the local community.
All those interested in purchasing tickets for the smaller racing ducks or in sponsoring and decorating one or more larger ducks may do so online at http://lovelandduckrace.com/.