Join the Energize Your Business Seminar on January 10th
Early bird special price ends November 30th!
Learn Six Steps to Improve Profitability or Your Small Business and Improve Work/Life Balance
Step 1 – Visualize Business Success
Some start business accidentally, some are more intentional, but all of us get to a point where we are challenged in ways the non-business owner can not anticipate. These challenges turn into stress that ultimately burns out most entrepreneurs. In this first step, you will lift the veil of stress and create a vision of business success. This vision will create the foundation for the remaining steps.
Step 2 – Balance Life and Work
While this great work ethic is admirable, it leads to excessive work, little time for family and other priorities, and a recipe for burnout or severe damage to mental and physical well being. In this step, you will learn that you how to balance life and work that will result in feeling fully content with both.
Step 3 – Introduction to ENERGY
Often times, entrepreneurs become critical of themselves and those around them without being fully aware. They ask the question, “What’s wrong?” While fully understandable, this critique hold in it the very thought that limits the success of most businesses. In this section, you will be learn what energy is and how you can add instead of subtract positive energy in your business. As luck would have it, the things we think are helpful are often de-motivating for those around us. This session will help you deliberately motivate others through an understanding of Core Energy TM principles.
Step 4 – Energize Your Business
Now that you understand how your thought choices build you up or tear you down you can apply these Core Energy principles to seven critical elements of your business.
Step 5 – Turning ENERGY Into ACTION
In this step you will learn how to shift your thinking, and the thinking of your employees. You will convert your new way of thinking into action plans that you can carry out in your business.
Step 6 – Sustaining High Levels of Energy
You will leave this seminar feeling great about your business and your life. But what about a week from now? … a month from now? What happens when the stresses and challenges build up? How can you be accountable to make the progress that you’d hoped for? This step will answer how you sustain high levels of energy indefinitely.Energ