We are surrounded by some of the most creative and talented people in NOCO. The 2019 Rosenberry Writers’ Conference is at the University of Northern Colorado from Monday, Feb. 25, to Wednesday, Feb. 27, and is free and open to the public.
This year’s event will feature readings by three award-winning authors from three genres: creative nonfiction, fiction and poetry, as well as a Q-and-A session and book signings.
The UNC Rosenberry Writers’ Conference is dedicated to promoting cultural creativity and diversity through conversations that identify and support exceptional contemporary writers. These events focus on crossing the boundaries between campus and community, writer and reader and text and genre.
Creative nonfiction writer Elisa Gabbert will kick things off on Monday, Feb. 25. She is a poet and essayist and the author of four collections. Fiction writer Teague Bohlen will speak on Feb. 26. He is the director of Creative Writing at the University of Colorado, Denver. His first novel, The Pull of the Earth, won the Colorado Book Award for fiction. The conference concludes with poet Joy Roulier Sawyer. Sawyer is the author of Lifeguards (Conundrum Press) and Tongues of Men and Angels (White Violet Press).
These three authors have accomplished all of this and so much more. To learn more about their works and the 2019 Rosenberry Writers’ Conference visit https://www.unco.edu/news/newsroom/releases/2019-rosenberry-writers-conference.aspx