We R Foco is an initiative launched in August 2018 made up of businesses and organizations across all industries with one common goal: To support a culture of local economic vitality and community involvement. Together, more than 60 community-minded businesses have united to advocate for local practices.
The We R Foco website functions as a one-stop-shop for anything local and includes a complete business directory of each company involved, a list of events that these companies are involved in, a local job board that highlights positions for people interested in working locally and details on the importance. In addition, the We R Foco website features stories of its members, highlighting the many unique contributions they have made to the Fort Collins community. Snippets of four of these stories are below, with the full stories featured on www.werfoco.com/fort-collins-news-2.
Bullhide 4×4 – Susan Butters, owner of Bullhide 4×4 Auto Accessories, also serves on the board of directors for Voices Carry Child Advocacy Center.
New Horizons Travel – Erica Vander Sande, We R Foco Engagement Manager, shares her personal story of why she uses a local travel agency.
Crossroads Safehouse – For nearly 40 years, Crossroads Safehouse has been dedicated to provide shelter and resources for victims of domestic violence.
Raintree Athletic Club – This full-service athletic club has been locally owned and operated from the beginning.