Loveland Mayor Pro Tem Jon Mallo Elected to National League of Cities Committee

Loveland Mayor Pro Tem Jon Mallo has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) Transportation and Infrastructure Services (TIS) Federal Advocacy Committee for the third consecutive year. These committees are comprised of local officials from NLC member cities, towns and villages across the country. The TIS committee is responsible for leading NLC’s policy development and advocacy on transportation connectivity, including federal funding, safety and innovation in all modes of transportation.

“I am again honored to be appointed to the NLC Transportation and Infrastructure Services Federal Advocacy Committee, and I look forward to representing Loveland’s interest in the transportation and infrastructure arena. The subject matter has become a critical component at all levels of government. Loveland is no exception,” Mallo says.

Mallo is in his fourth year of a four-year term on the Loveland City Council. He was elected by the Loveland City Council to be its Mayor Pro Tem in 2024. He will meet with other national committee members in March, June and November, 2025, to help guide NLC’s strategic direction.

In other transportation-related work, Mallo serves as Loveland’s representative, voting member and past chairman on the North Front Range Metropolitan Planning Organization (NFRMPO). In addition, he serves as a regional representative on the North I-25 Coalition, the US. 34 Coalition and is the vice chair of the GoNoCo34 Transportation Management Organization Board (TMO). Locally, Mallo is also the council liaison to Loveland’s Transportation Advisory Board.

“Infrastructure is the foundation of a thriving city, and Mayor Pro Tem Mallo’s federal appointment brings valuable national insights into Loveland’s local projects,” says Jim Thompson, Loveland’s city manager. “Congratulations to him on this well-earned recognition.”