Greeley Veteran Wins Full Mouth Dental Implants Giveaway

Local veteran receives complimentary full arch dental implants from Precision Oral Surgery, Luker Family Dental and Dental Designs

In an emotional presentation, Precision Oral Surgery and Luker Family Dental surprised local veteran Michael Whitmore with a complimentary set of full mouth dental implants in recognition of his service and selflessness.

Whitmore, a dedicated resident of Greeley and a United States Air Force veteran, served his country starting on Dec. 26, 1967. Just days after his wedding, he was deployed to Vietnam, and after completing multiple tours, he retired as a chief master sergeant after 30 years of commendable service. Post-military, he worked for 20 more years at Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee.

Throughout his life, Whitmore has prioritized dental care, frequently visiting dentists during his military service and later through the VA. However, the challenges of life, including his wife’s prolonged illness and subsequent passing and his son’s severe medical issues, have led to significant financial strain. Whitmore’s commitment to his family’s well-being is evident in his sacrifices, including depleting his savings during the pandemic to support his son’s dental treatments.

Recognizing his continuous dedication to others while facing personal hardships, Precision Oral Surgery, Luker Family Dental and Dental Designs decided to honor Whitmore with this life-changing dental procedure. The full mouth dental implants will not only restore his dental function but also significantly improve his quality of life.

Dr. Daniel Yacoob of Precision Oral Surgery stated, “Michael has selflessly given to others throughout his life. It’s our turn to give back to him, ensuring he receives the care he deserves.” Dr. David Luker of Luker Family Dental remarked, “We are honored to support a true hero like Michael who has faced many challenges with incredible strength and resilience.”

This gesture not only acknowledges a hero’s sacrifices but also highlights the spirit of community support and gratitude toward veterans who have served the nation. Whitmore’s story is a profound reminder of the impact of giving and the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.