ATV Hosts Community Events for Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic Violence Awareness Month was launched nationwide October 1987 as a way to connect and unite individuals and organizations serving domestic violence survivors while raising awareness for the issue. As a contribution to this effort on a local level, Alternatives to Violence will be hosting two special events to encourage and engage the community to join in the effort to stop domestic violence.


Saturday, October 1, 2022, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm


The community is invited to parade their pets in purple (the color symbolizing domestic violence) around the Foote Lagoon in Loveland and visit with local pet services on the Foote Lagoon Plaza. Loveland Mayor, Jacki Marsh, will dedicate October to Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Mrs. Colorado Petite, Allie Pressler, will share how her pets were a big comfort during her personal experience with domestic violence.

“Pets are a big reason why domestic violence victims do not initially leave an abusive partner. Many shelters may not take pets, so victims are hesitant to leave pets behind out of fear that they will be abused,” said Alternatives to Violence Outreach Coordinator, Marigaye Barnes.

Registration is $10 which includes a free goodie bag, and donation to Alternatives to Violence.

To register visit

This event is sponsored by K9 Wisdom Training & Consulting, Four Seasons Veterinary Specialists, Poudre Pet & Feed Supply and Ashcroft Pet Resort.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 5:00 – 6:30 pm

This in-person and simultaneous virtual event will begin with a brief description of domestic violence and how to recognize it, followed by a panel of expert advocates from Alternatives to Violence and domestic violence survivors who will answer questions from members of the community interested in learning how to identify or help someone who may be in a domestic violence situation.

“Recent events right in our backyard have made discussions like this much more prevalent, and necessary to have, in our community,” said Executive Director of Alternatives to Violence, Kari Clark.

The event is free; however, registration is required. To register, visit In-person attendance will take place at Loveland Public Library, 300 N. Adams Avenue, Loveland in the Gertrude B. Scott Room.

For more information on Alternatives to Violence, or to donate, visit