
#NOCOstrong is a Facebook page that was created in mid-March to help small businesses share how they are operating during closures due to COVID-19. “Once learning how the closures were negatively impacting the local economy and individuals, I wanted to do more,” says Lisa Downer, the founder of the initiative. Profits from the sale of each #NOCOstrong t-shirt went to purchase gift cards from struggling restaurants that were in turn delivered to local families in need. These gift cards will be distributed through a partnership with Homeward Alliance. #NOCOstrong has also begun partnering with businesses. For example, when customers mention #NOCOStrong to Canna World Market who will give back 10% of their sales to support this mission. The #NOCOstrong team is excited to continue to grow their service to the community through partnerships and philanthropic projects.

Visit #NOCOstrong’s Facebook Page

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