With recent changes in food service requirements, The Cooking Studio in Fort Collins is now offering accredited food safety certification classes and exams to meet the needs of food service managers in northern Colorado.
At the beginning of the new year, the Colorado Department of Health & Environment began to require that retail food service establishments employ at least one manager who holds a Certified Food Protection Manager Certification. This is a new requirement and affects restaurants, delis, cafeterias, coffee shops, commissary kitchens, grocery stores and many other food service/retail establishments in Colorado. Employing a manager who is not certified by an accredited program is now considered noncompliance and a critical violation.
To help Northern Colorado food services meet this new regulation, The Cooking Studio is offering the official, accredited, National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe® Certified Food Protection Manager Certification prep classes and proctored exams. Upon passing the exam, this accredited program certifies the food service manager for a period of 5 years.
To see a listing of the class dates and times & register for the class &/or the exam visit https://www.the-cooking-studio.com/protraining/