Raptor Program Announces Dates for Birds of Prey Class

Learn the how, who, and where of Birds of Prey!

By attending these information packed classes, you are furthering the RMRP mission of excellence in raptor rehabilitation, education, and research.

July 11–The Rocky Mountain Raptor Program is excited to once again hold our Birds of Prey Class taught by our Executive Director Carin Avila. The class is held in five parts, from 9am to 2pm, on various Saturdays at our facility located at 720 E. Vine Drive in Fort Collins.

Class 1: September 15. Anatomy and Physiology: Construction of a Predator. This class focuses on the anatomy and physiology of birds of prey. Learn how these amazing birds do what they do.

Class 2: September 29. Identification: Buteos, Eagles, and Vultures. Learn how to identify the hawks, eagles, and vulture of Colorado. Live raptors will be a part of your indentification experience – the best way to learn!

Class 3: October 20. Identification: Falcons, Harriers, Accipters, Osprey and Kites. Learn how to identify these diverse species on the wing. Many live Educational Ambassador raptors will be joining this class to enhance your learning.

Class 4: November 3. Identification: Owls.  All about owls! Learn to identify all the different types of owls that are found in Colorado, plus meet live owls face-to-face. This is our most popular class – register early to ensure your seat!

Class 5: November 17. Field trip!This trip is a guided raptor watching field trip that covers northeastern Colorado. Put all your new raptor knowledge into action.

You can sign up for all five sessions at a discounted rate of $275, or take individual classes for $60 each. All classes stand alone and can be taken individually. Contact Carin Avila at 970-484-7756 or Carin@RMRP.orgto register, or sign up online at www.rmrp.org.

We hope you will join us in learning about our wild world!

About: The RMRP facility is located at 720 E. Vine Drive in Fort Collins.Since 1987, The Rocky Mountain Raptor Program has rescued and rehabilitated thousands of raptors, educated the public about human/wildlife conflicts, and conducted research to help raptors survive in the wild.

As an independent, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, RMRP is non-government, and is not state or federally funded. We do not receive regular operating support from any national or international humane organizations, but are supported mostly by recurring or one-time individual gifts, and some foundation and corporate support. Ten staff members and over 140 active volunteers carry out its work.


For more information: 970-484-7756, carin@rmrp.orgor www.RMRP.org