Colorado Couple Escapes the Grind, Sells All and Embarks on an Epic Round-the-World Trip

Now they hope to inspire others to follow their travel dreams

April 25, 2018 – Fort Collins, CO, USA

Have you ever wanted to quit your job, pack a bag and head off to see the world? That’s what one Colorado couple did five years ago and now they’d like to share their story with others. Whether you only fantasize about turning in notice at your job or you seriously want to sell everything and embark on the trip of a lifetime, this story is for you.

The Exotic and the Mundane is of course a story about a trip around the world, but it’s about more than that,” says author and traveler Joyce Dickens. “Our story is about realizing a deep-seated dream instead of letting it slowly wither away and I think most people identify with that scenario. There is a point for every dream where you either go all in, or you let it go. This book is about choosing the “all in” option and not looking back.”

Joyce and her husband Daryle spent years like many people fantasizing about traveling to far-away places, but not venturing very far from home – until ten years into their marriage, when they took a long hard look at how far they weren’t getting and how fast the years were flying by. They decided they needed to stop waiting for the stars to align, accept that things would never be perfect and make something happen.

On March 31, 2013, Joyce & Daryle entered a realm usually reserved for recent college grads and retirees, setting out to travel for an indeterminate, but long period of time. The Exotic and the Mundate chronicles the first six months of that trip, spent in Central America and Africa, as they learned to slow down, look around and embrace wherever the heck they were. Alternately funny, frustrating and inspiring, their journey proves that anyone can travel more and that you don’t have to be rich, young or all that brave to get out and see the world.

Joyce wrote about the trip from the road on the couple’s blog, Learning To Travel, but never intended to write a book. However, after returning and realizing that their trip had served as an inspiration for many, she decided to do just that – to collect the stories, talk about what it was like to sell everything and spend 14 months on the road and to encourage others that anything is possible if you decide it must be so.

Today, in addition to promoting this first of two books, which will be released on Amazon on April 25th, Joyce & Daryle are building their Learning To Travel blog into a wealth of information to empower, encourage and equip “normal” people with the inspiration and knowledge necessary to overcome hurdles and make their dream trip a reality, whether it’s two weeks in Paris or a year-long round-the-world trek.

Download your copy of The Exotic and the Mundane on Amazon today and read about the awe-inspiring trip of a pretty average, but determined middle-aged couple that will inspire you to start living your own dream instead of letting time slip by.

The Exotic and the Mundane is available on Amazon Kindle for $4.99. Visit for more information.

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