Thinking About Health

NOCO | Editor’s Letter

Few of us would deny that our health has been on our minds a lot more lately. The pandemic, and all the side effects of avoiding it, have weighed heavily on us. There is our mental health, which has certainly been on a wild ride for the last year and a half. There is also our fitness level. More than a few people have added on a couple pounds as they stayed closer to home for months at a time or binge-watched the news with whatever snack was handy (we will leave alcohol out of this, but you know what you’ve done).

There are also those lucky few who channeled all that anxiety and fear into a fitness regimen that has them looking and feeling better than ever. I envy you. Our health is one of the few things that we can help or hinder, depending on our actions. But sometimes, let’s face it, it can also feel completely out of our control. This magazine is largely dedicated to health and wellness, from articles on our gut health to our feature about seniors who have followed their dreams post-retirement and showcase the power of having a passion and following it—seemingly halting the advance of time.

Of course, each of our health struggles are unique to us and so often we may suffer silently through them. Why? Maybe because we so dislike being vulnerable, which got me thinking that we are doing ourselves a real disservice. Invincibility is, frankly, overrated. Last month I talked about investing in my female friendships more. Well, that has enabled me to embrace being vulnerable more often, sharing my own struggles as they rear their ugly heads. And, it has given me the gift of embracing someone else’s vulnerability, too. It is all so refreshingly human. Be vulnerable, people! Let’s share our struggles so that we don’t have to carry them all alone. Keep an eye on your health, especially as winter’s challenges approach. Reach out and let me know how you are doing.

Let’s share our struggles.

— Angie Grenz